Tuesday, August 12, 2008

we're numero uno!

It's bound to happen. We got our first TickerHound bashing.

Check out the article here:
The Marching of the Web 2.0 Lemmings? by Jim Fisher, IdeaStar Inc.

At least we're number one on the list! FTW1!!

"The educators can be either an expert or a crackpot" - yes, so can authors making lists about "web 2.0 lemmings".

IdeaStar should really spend more time bringing their technology up to par and less time bashing others. A quick look at the code behind IdeaStar shows that they use Dreamweaver (as illustrated by the eck... MM_preloadImages) and gasp! TABLES! There's also a bunch of ugly javascript all over the place that's super bad for SEO (search engine optimization). What kind of self respecting web design / development / consulting firm still use tables?! seriously?

Well, like my friend Chris said... "this guy sounds like a shmuck in the other reviews that it actually makes it sound like worth checking out all these sites."

Hey Mr. Jim Fisher, 1997 called and want their Dreamweaver 3.0 HTML back!

One more thing, at least we made it to Mashable.


Anonymous said...

As the FORMER Creative Director of IdeaStar, I can say that I have been telling them that for years! But it was never a priority for them. On an alternate note, check out the code that was used to create the Spinfield blog for Ideastar. That code isn't so outdated or poorly developed. Alas, you can be assured no client work went out like that, I always mandated standards compliant CSS, convincing the powers that be that the internal work needed to be of the same caliber was a lot harder than it should have been.

Steve Lamb said...
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