Thursday, April 3, 2008

Egypt - Prologue

Prologue: Whys and Wherefores*
more or less the actual order of the thought process spanned over about 2 weeks

Why a vacation?
I've been feeling a little burnt out from work, the city and everything around me in general. The 3.75 product launches last year took a nice toll on me - especially the last one:, but that's for another post. Wayne insisted that I took a vacation before things get REALLY crazy in the summer - oh, you just wait and see what we got coming. Anyway, he's probably right - a vacation should be good for me, not being attached to a computer / interweb and all.
Besides, I haven't really taken a real vacation for 3 years, I need to get out! (the last one was Zurich, Prague and Amsterdam 2 years ago).
The weekend trips (Lake George - pictured, Ocean City) are nice but don't really count and I mostly worked during the day when I was in Seattle.


Sometime in April, as mandated by the man with the shiny head.

Who with?

Of course, I'd hate to go on a vacation or travel by myself. I get paranoid and wouldn't mind someone watching my back (at least the illusion of it - not pointing fingers, really!). Naturally, I started recruiting.
John - since I traveled to Europe with him - twice. But he just got bumped up at a new job and can't leave.
Al - he was going to come and he also suggested going to Sweden/Finland but as soon as he finished mentioning it, his project got dumped on.
Gim - ah.. the childhood best friend. So what if I shanked him with a pilot pen back in 7th grade during class (he did start it with a Bic pen to my leg), we're still cool! I didn't think he had any vacations left... but he did!
Sarah - she just got back from Seattle. I mentioned that we're going and she said she's down to go if we didn't mind. In my mind - don't you want to find a job first? Her reply: since the trip is so soon, it'll be ok. As of this post, she's not 100% yet.

Why Egypt?
The original plan was to just take a week off and go somewhere that JetBlue flies to so I can use the free tickets. I couldn't really put a finger on a city that enticed me. Maybe San Francisco, but can I really spend a week there? I don't know - I've never been there before. Whatever.
I was on the 6 train and saw an ad that said something like "Delta Airlines, non stop to Cairo", with pyramaids in the backdrop. Lightbulb lit up! Why the hell not! I've seen enough Stargate (yup, all 10 seasons plus the 2 movies) to want to go. It'll be like one of those once in a lifetime deals.

* I took the title from "Y The Last Man" #55

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