Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dentist Tech

Had my upper left wisdom tooth removed today. It wasn't a painful experience as I've others described. I'm lucky, all my wisdom teeth are out and not below the gum.
That's probably due to the fact that I had 4 molars taken out when I got my braces - so there's enough room for the wisdom teeth to pop out.
Anyway, I opted for the novacaine over getting gassed/knocked out.
While we waited for the numbing to happen, the assistant slowly laid out these tools:

Dentist Tech

Dr. Lee only used the second and third tool: the squiggly icepick looking one and the plyer.
The squiggly icepick was used to wedge into the gum, to loosen the tooth - kind of like a crowbar. I could hear cracking while he did it all around the tooth. When the tooth was loose, he used the plyer to take it out.

Too bad, no fun drugs. I only got scripts for Tylenol #3 (with codine) and mouthwash.

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