Friday, May 16, 2008


it's a known fact: parking in new york city is cutthroat.
it's gotten worst since gas prices have sky rocketed. it now cost more to drive around aimlessly looking for a spot that's not on the street cleaning side the next day. parking on the alternate day street cleaning side means car-sitting for 1.5 hours in the morning.

less know fact: people drive away mostly at the quarters of the hour. i've studied this (while waiting in the car for a spot).

yesterday: at around 10:01PM, after i sat around for 7 minutes, i decided to go around the block. when i made a circle around 23rd and got back to my block on 24th, i saw a car leaving. i put the pedal to the floor and raced up the block to each it. i saw a guy running to his car. i chuckled and said haha not fast enough. as i'm grabbing my bag from the trunk, after i parked, the trunk door comes down and chops me on my right tempo.

still hurts.

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